How do you prepare for your admission to our clinic? This guide is for you!
Are you about to be admitted to our Mediterranean Clinic? On this page you’ll find all the information you need to prepare for your stay, as well as a list of personal items you should bring with you.
Before your admission, our teams will explain the administrative formalities you need to complete to prepare for your stay.
Our aim is to provide you with the best possible care in a comfortable and friendly environment.
We wish you a pleasant stay at our clinic and we are sure that your health will improve during your visit.

To facilitate and prepare your admission, you will need the following administrative documents:
- Your identity card or passport if you are a foreign national
- Your insurance card(s) or insurance reimbursement notice.
Depending on the reason for your hospitalisation, you may have received specific instructions prior to your admission in the Mediterranean Clinic:
- Appointment with your anaesthetist
- Laboratory tests
We also recommend that you bring the following documents with you:
- Any investigations carried out prior to your admission (X-rays, laboratory tests, etc.),
- Any recent letters or hospital reports from your referring doctor,
- Your current treatment prescription and medication to ensure continuity of care.
Our clinic recommends that you bring with you any items that you may need, in particular the following personal items:
- Your toiletries
- Hearing and/or dental aids
- Comfortable clothing (pyjamas or nightdress, dressing gown, underwear)
- Clothes for the day of your discharge.
Our teams are available to answer any questions, comments, complaints or requests for clarification. Our contact centre is available 7/7 days from 8am to 6pm.
Call centre phone: +216 70 246 001
The clinic phone: +216 70 246 000
WhatsApp : +216 98 747 094